Located in Ongerup and Jerramungup, south of the Wheatbelt region in Western Australia, Alex and Darren own and operate Aidinville Farms, a 12,500 total cropping operation growing cereal, grains and oil seeds (barley, wheat and canola).
Aidinville Farms needed to upgrade its drying system to enhance its harvesting capabilities and production.

The Challenge
Located in a region that faces frequent heavy rainfall and cool temperatures during spring and summer harvest periods, Aidinville Farms was operating with a grain drying system that couldn’t keep up with its cropping demands.
Aidinville Farms’ previous system only provided an optimal harvest window of 5-to-7 hours which could be interrupted by wet weather.

The Solution
After hearing about the quality drying systems Alvan Blanch produces, Aidinville Farms reached out to Alvan Blanch Australia, enquiring about the dryers they import.
While on a trip through the United Kingdom, Darren was invited to tour around with Alvan Blanch Australia, visiting local farms and the Alvan Blanch facility at Chelsworth, UK. During this tour, Darren witnessed the capabilities of Alvan Blanch dryers.
“Operating in Southwest Western Australia, we’re well aware of the hardships moisture presents to crop farmers. During my visit through the UK, I was very impressed with how Alvan Blanch dryers were handling the large amounts of moisture, helping keep production going,”
Darren Baum – Aidinville Farms
Consulting with Aidinville Farms, Alvan Blanch Australia paired the WA farmers with the Alvan Blanch MDF25000 - Mobile Grain Dryer. The fuel-efficient MDF25000 drying system provides consistently low drying temperatures when drying cereals, oilseeds or any other product sensitive to temperature.

The Outcome
Now with their new Alvan Blanch MDF25000 - Mobile Grain Dryer, Aidinville Farms has opened the parameters of their harvesting windows to 12 to 15 hours a day, allowing them to process about 20 tonnes an hour.
The Alvan Blanch MDF25000 has the ability to dry heavy crops of canola from 10% down to 7% at a rate of 25tph.
“Alvan Blanch Australia helped us increase the output of our operations, it’s like having another header in the field. We recommend Alvan Blanch Australia to any crop farmer looking to enhance their operations."
- Alex Baum - Aidinville Farms